App Issues (15)
How-to-use the app and specific issues for distinct apps
What if my physical Roku remote was lost or broken?
How can I turn on Roku TV from Off mode?
Is this remote app safe?
How do I connect the app to the Smart TV?
How do I connect my phone to Roku devices?
Can I connect my TV without a physical remote if it's lost or broken?
What is Solvie? How does it work?
How to scan a homework task
Which languages does Solvie use to solve the homework tasks?
Connect Miracast app to my TV
How to cast photo/video from your phone onto TV
Screen Mirroring with Miracast app
Background music (BGM) issues
How to share my podcast
How can I rearrange the segments inside an episode?
Connect the remote app to a Smart TV
My physical remote was lost or broken. What is the option?
Turn on TV from Off mode (keep app connected)